Yup! You guessed it, SNOW!!!
Now I know to many, snow is just an annoyance. But, to this Florida girl, it's magical thing!
I was in my very own winter wonderland for two whole weeks and I soaked up every moment of it!
The beauty of it takes my breath away. My boyfriend would often catch me just sitting at the window with an excited look on my face (like a child on Christmas morning) snapping photo's like the icicles above. I couldn't get over the view. It's so quiet and serene, like the world just stops. And I guess in a way it does, when it is bad enough for roads and businesses to shut down, and residents get snowed in. I got to experience that while I was there as well.
I spent many days while he was at work just lounging around the house, snuggled up on the couch with the blinds open so I could watch the view as I read a good book and drank hot chocolate. I found it oh-so-relaxing. Don't get me wrong, I can understand why so many get fed up with the snow, especially dealing with it for month's at a time, BUT, for this Florida gal, I truly enjoyed my short time in it. I got snowed in and my flight delayed during my November, January, and February trip. I was always just thankful that I had no delays getting there, just flying back and how was I to complain about an extra day with my love?!
As you can imagine, I snapped a million and one photo's while I was there but I will only share a few.
As you can see above, my boyfriend was less than amused with my wanting to take selfies in the middle of a blizzard, BUT, he loves me so he puts up with my craziness and my photo taking obsession. The 1st photo's were taken at Silver Beach which was breathtaking to me. I've never seen anything like it. The snow just went on for miles and miles and the small lighthouse looked so majestic surrounded by snow instead of water. The 2nd picture was taken in the midst of a blizzard, literally. We were on our way to the airport when I got the word that my flight was cancelled. Instead of going home where it was safe and sound, we decided to venture to a mall in South Bend, Indiana so I could hit up an amazing sale at Victoria's Secret. Yeah, big mistake. The roads petrified me! But, the sale was good! And the sales lady let me get more than the limit of 3. Yay!
It was so cold and lonely outside that I figured we needed some comfort food. You can't go wrong with home made chicken pot pit! Mmmm!
At times I attempted to play outside in the snow with my step sons, but I quickly learned that if you plan to make snowballs, gloves are a must.
And just a few more snap shots of my very own winter wonderland...
All in all, I had so much fun this past winter with my multiple Michigan trips. I do realize my opinion of snowy winters may change drastically by the end of this year since I will be living in it. So, it will be very important on those days where I am hating snow to come back to this blog post and remind myself I am living in a winter wonderland.
And what trip wouldn't be complete without having a blow out or busting my clumsy butt?!
I literally busted my butt on my last day in Michigan. In fact, I was heading to the car to go to the airport. I remember it vividly. I was giggling at my boyfriend who was walking ahead of me carrying my luggage over his head when BAM I slipped off where the sidewalk was apparently and I went down. It was epic. And I knew that was karma for giggling at him as he carried my luggage through the snow.