Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thankful Thursday V10

Today is a special Thankful Thursday.

It is 100% dedicated to my Mommy.

I am thankful for the 17 years I got to spend with her :)

It is hard for me to believe it has been 13 years since she went to join our Savior.

It seems like it was just yesterday that I was walking through the halls of my high school, on the 4th day of my senior year, when I got the notification that she passed away. I remember it like it was yesterday. I called my Dad to check on her and she said he had just got the call, and was on his way to check me out of school and head to the hospital. I remember word of mouth had already spread via the office that my Mom had passed, so, friends were passing me in the hall as I was on my quest to find my best friends classroom, as well as my high school sweethearts classroom. I needed their support. I am still best friends with both of them as a matter of fact. My life forever changed that day. While I would give anything to have had more years with my Mommy, and have her watch me evolve into the woman I am today, I know God had a bigger plan, and her death has shaped my life in many ways. I also know she is watching over me. I feel her presence.

August is always a hard month for me, but, this year is different. I feel empowered. I feel good. I know God has me in Maumee, Ohio for a purpose. And the fact that Maumee is pronounced Mommy, and that I moved out here in August. I feel her presence all over this opportunity!

Sadly, I don't have many pictures of my Mom and I. She was the complete opposite of me in that she hated photos. I on the other hand am a photo freak, documenting every little thing.

My Mom truly was an amazing woman who went through many obstacles in life to get to where she was going. One thing I will never, ever doubt was her love for me. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I was her world, her pride and joy. She was sure to tell multiple people, who (just in case I didn't already know) were sure to tell me.

So, Mommy, I thank you for the 17 wonderful years we shared together, and the memories we made.

I will wear my yellow butterfly necklace in honor of you today.

When I look to the sky, I know you are there <3

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Welcome to Maumee

Welcome to,

^^ my 1st view of Toledo

The time has came, I am officially an Ohioan... until November that is. 

As I mentioned last week, I took a promotion at work that has brought me to beautiful Maumee, Ohio. It's a more upscale ritzy little suburb of Toledo. I feel like I am driving around little suburbia. All the houses are so quaint and gorgeous. Man oh man, how I love traveling. There is just so much out there to explore.

I flew out here with my boss on Sunday. She is here for 10 days with me to help me get my new call center set up. Basically, we are starting this call center from the bottom and working our way up. We came into an empty call center, zero employees. So, I will be hiring and training my entire staff. And I need to seat 60 research assistants each night. I am up for the challenge!

We flew up American Airlines and had a wonderful experience. Their flight attendants were on par with everything! We were in row 3 which was awesome because we got to get off the plane first. My lunch was cajun shrim and grits. Mmm mmm, good!

 ^^ my lunch
 ^^ my bosses lunch

It was around 10pm by the time we finally got settled into our hotel, and we started our week off at the center at 9am. Yesterday and today have just been cleaning and organizing days. The real fun starts tomorrow when I get a delivery of 60 laptops, and it's time to get them all hooked up and ready to dial live. My center will be 100% cell dialing. By law, it is illegal to dial cells from an automated dialer, so, all my stations will be hand dial. With this being said friends, don't forget, if you get a call to do a quick survey, DO IT! We really want your opinions. And your survey could be the difference of an employee getting sent home early or working their whole shift.

I just wanted to do a quick check in with a few photo's. More to come soon, as you can imagine, things have been hectic since this move came on pretty quick!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Thankful Thursday V9

It's my favorite time of the week! Time to give thanks for all the wonderful things I have going on in my life. Well, I give thanks everyday, but, time to share the things I am thankful for with you all!

This week I am thankful for:

* An answered prayer. You guys, did you know, God is so, so good? I hope so! Because he is. All the time. Last Wednesday I made a 7 month goal of mine public on facebook. I said that within 7 months I wanted to pay off a few credit cards, sell my car around income tax time when I feel it will be the most profitable to sell, and then by me a new car. Then, I prayed for God to open a door and show me what I needed to do to make this happen. And you know what? He did. Within hours. I had just dropped my friend off at the airport and was heading home when I sent that prayer up. I had only been home about an hour when my boss called with an amazing opportunity for me. It involved a temporary relocation, but, you know what? I'm taking that leap because I feel that was the door God opened for me. So, this weekend I ship off to the Toledo, Ohio area for the next few months. I am so very excited and just so thankful to serve such an awesome God!

^^ Monday began the juror selection for Arnulfo's case. Justice will be served. For those of you not familiar with the situation, Arnulfo is one of my friends brothers. He was slain in the line of duty December 2011. My friend actually just graduated the police academy herself and will be working for the same department her brother did. #familypride

^^ tights! a friend of mine got me addicted. SO COMFY! and can be work at work or gym!!

 ^^ I am going to miss my furbabies while in Ohio!

^^ what what?! Is that some muscle starting to show?!

* new bra's! I rarely splurge on bra's, but, it was about that time. Victoria's Secret sent me some awesome coupons so I took full advantage of them. I had to get remeasured and all that good stuff since I have been losing weight with this whole clean eating thing. 

Those are a few things I am thankful for this week? What about you? Leave me a quick comment :)

Monday, August 4, 2014

Painting with a twist

I know they are super popular right now and popping up all over the place, but, I had never been to one... until last Friday. Painting with a twist. A little paint, a little wine and a lot of fun! Why did I NOT think of this?! What a great idea. Perfect for a girls night out.

My friend and I got there a bit early to ensure we could pick out a good seat and warn the teacher that we have NO artistic abilities. Of course, she said she hears that all the time. I am so serious though, I can not draw a straight line so I was wondering how on earth I was going to paint an amazing picture. But, you know what? I did. And you can too. I LOVE THIS PLACE!

When I was invited by a friend for a group event, I was super excited 1) because I have never been and have been wanting to for a long time and 2) the painting we were set to paint was nautical and I love all things related to the deep blue sea!

 ^^ the twist, drinks :)

It got confusing at (many) times!

^^ Our group

I had so much fun doing this, however, I think my painting looked better at the half way point, before I continued to add to it. Haha. Once we added the highlights, I accidentally went a little dash crazy and it changed my anchor from black to grey, but, have no fear, the teacher saved the day and showed me how to fix it!

^^ Half way point, looking alright if I do say so myself


^^ the groups finished product

^^ making a mess but having fun!

All in all, painting with a twist was a wonderful laid back girls night. For someone like me, who is not at all artistic, to walk away with their very own masterpiece, I thought it was pretty awesome. The class takes about 2 hours, we were scheduled 6-8pm but left around 8:20pm. We wrapped the evening up at Chili's for some deliciousness. 

^^ their guac was okay, but I like mine better ;)