Today started out like a normal day. Well, actually, I woke up with a scratchy throat and worried that I was getting the funk that is going around the call center. But, I took some allergy medicine and went on with my day. I had planned to go to my Dad's to learn how to change the oil in my car. Is that bad that I don't know how?
Anyways, my day went from normal to how do these things always happen to me real quick. In transit I passed a beautiful Golden Retriever who came thisclose to being taken out by a semi truck. I was right behind the semi and promptly pulled over. As soon as I got out of my car and said "Come here beautiful" she looked at me and without hesitation she bounded to my car and jumped right in my passenger seat like hey, whats up?
"Here we go" was my immediate thought. This was a kink in my day, yes, but, I knew it was meant to be. So, off I went to my Vet's office to see if she had a microchip. Low and behold, she was chipped! YAY!
I was able to get one name, two telephone numbers, the dogs name (Molly Ray) and an address. The address was in Tampa which is a good 40 minute drive from the area she was found. And one of the phone numbers was actually either registered wrong or given to me wrong by my vet. They had our area code off by a number. I decided to try it with the correct area code, and the voicemail gave the same name as the lady that Miss Molly is registered to. Good signs! I just hope that Molly is missed and that she wasn't dumped on the side of the road purposely.
I've done everything I can on my part to locate her owner. I posted a picture of her on facebook that has went viral in our general area, as well as many lost pets sites in the area... I've scoured craigslist. Ive made all sorts of attempts at contacting the owner she was registered to, and still nothing.
Unfortunately, I had to go into work and didn't have a place to keep her. She's a crafty ol' gal. At my Dad's she was trying to unlatch the fence (which may be how she escaped in the 1st place). I couldn't leave her in my screened pool area and risk the chance of her clawing her way out and running into the coyotes tonight. So, I ended up taking her to my local SPCA. I've served on the board of directors in the past for this shelter, so, I know she's in good hands.
Here's to hoping that Miss Molly can be reunited with her family, but, if not, my heart is happy because I saved her from a potential painful death on the road. It's the small things in life friends, and rescuing random dogs on the road is something small that brings me joy.
Love this girl, so happy you saved her :) Let me know if you get any updates from the SPCA.. I can't believe her owner was unreachable!