Thursday, July 31, 2014

Thankful Thursdays V8

Well, hello Thursday! And the last day of July. Time is flying and I don't know about you but I find it hard to believe that tomorrow is August. I will let you in on a little secret. August is my least favorite month of the year. My mommy passed away August 2001 and it has never been the same for me since. I plan to do my best to remain positive and smile on. August will not bring me down, I must shine on for my momma!

What better way to wrap up July than with a Thankful post?

This past week I am thankful for:

* Answered prayers. Yesterday I literally had just updated my facebook saying "I have a 7 month goal, pay off my debt, encourage those who owe me money to start making payments, sell my car around income tax time, and buy a new to me car around my birthday in March" and then I prayed for God to open doors and direct me on a path to reach my goals. Literally, within 2 hours, my boss at work called me with an amazing offer. More to come in the next few days on that.

^^ a beautiful stroll around Lake H

^^ Pina Loca's :) nom nom nommmm

^^ having sisters in Christ to grow with through daily devotionals <3

^^ I know pistachio seems weird, but, it's deeeelicious!

^^ still with the clean eating 5 days a week and I feel amazing!

And I will follow this by the worst thing to have when you are clean eating, BUT, it was a cheat day.

^^ I saw this smore pizza roll up floating around on facebook and had to try it. It was beyond amazing and super easy to make. I looked a recipe up on Pinterest. 

I hope you each have had an equally amazing week friends and have much to be thankful for!

1 comment:

  1. Omg that s'mores pizza roll up... drooling. So glad to hear good things are in the works for you! And I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I lost mine in June 2004 and it's always a tough time of year. Hugs!!
