What better way to wrap up July than with a Thankful post?
This past week I am thankful for:
* Answered prayers. Yesterday I literally had just updated my facebook saying "I have a 7 month goal, pay off my debt, encourage those who owe me money to start making payments, sell my car around income tax time, and buy a new to me car around my birthday in March" and then I prayed for God to open doors and direct me on a path to reach my goals. Literally, within 2 hours, my boss at work called me with an amazing offer. More to come in the next few days on that.
^^ a beautiful stroll around Lake H
^^ Pina Loca's :) nom nom nommmm
^^ having sisters in Christ to grow with through daily devotionals <3
^^ I know pistachio seems weird, but, it's deeeelicious!
^^ still with the clean eating 5 days a week and I feel amazing!
And I will follow this by the worst thing to have when you are clean eating, BUT, it was a cheat day.
^^ I saw this smore pizza roll up floating around on facebook and had to try it. It was beyond amazing and super easy to make. I looked a recipe up on Pinterest.
I hope you each have had an equally amazing week friends and have much to be thankful for!
Omg that s'mores pizza roll up... drooling. So glad to hear good things are in the works for you! And I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I lost mine in June 2004 and it's always a tough time of year. Hugs!!