Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thankful Thursday V3

Ack! I missed a week last week :(

Things have been hectic around theses parts. Lots of overtime at work as we are unprecedentedly busy. That's a good thing though.

As I mentioned before, despite some hard times, I am doing my best to remain optimistic. The world needs more positivity! On top of my dishwasher, washer, and transmission control modular on my car going out, this week it was the pool pump...or I guess I should say motor. Goodness gracious! When it rains, it pours. But you know what? My God is bigger than my storm. He has my back. And, because of that, I AM BLESSED.

This week I am thankful for:

* a new dishwasher. The part for mine was going to be $150. Yuck. A friend of mine had two (long story) and the one she gave me fit perfectly, as if it was meant to be!

* a working washing machine. The part I ordered on Amazon did it!

 Banana pecan whole wheat pancakes with my Daddy on Father's Day

A little get together with some friends from high school, some I hadn't seen in YEARS.

* that my car part FINALLY came in yesterday. Here's to hoping this is the fix I need.

* Lot's of overtime. I have been going through some stressful changes and work has helped keep my mind busy.

 Chicken Wings & 22 Jump Street on a Friday night!

Constant reminders that God is good!

* Online yardsale sites on facebook. Always helping me make extra cash quick.

What do YOU have to be thankful about this week? I hope to have my link up tools soon!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Kidney for Kristy

Today I wanted to share with you all a bit about my cousin, Kristy, who is in end stages of renal failure and desperately needs a new kidney. I have created a campaign, Kidney 4 Kristy, that I spearhead. It's to help get awareness out about her need for an O+ donor as well as a way to use social media when we are fundraising for her many medical costs.

^^ my cousin and I at the NKF walk April 2013

Kristy was diagnosed with FSGS - Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis as a child and had her first biopsy at age 6. FSGS is a nephrotic syndrome in children and adolescents, as well as an important cause of kidney failure in adults.

Kristy is now an adult, and in end stage renal failure. She was placed on dialysis in October 2008. She needs a kidney from someone with blood type O+. Of course, there is much more to it, but being O+ plus willing to donate is a start.

Kristy has a lot to live for. She has a wonderful husband who has been there every step of the way as well as amazing family and friends. Life on dialysis was very hard at the beginning and it is becoming difficult again. She recently had a surgery to install a new access point for her and the doctor told her this was their last option, that if this one fails again, there is nothing else they can do for her. They have sent letters to the hospitals she is registered with to see if they can bump her up on the waiting list for a transplant.

If you would like to see if you are a match for Kristy, please call Shands Transplant Center and ask for Jill or Vicki @ 352-265-0254. Just tell them you want to see if you are a match for Kristy Martz Hood or if you live in Central Fl area you can call Christina Fuentes 407-303-3626 at Florida Hospital. 

^^ a few pics from the NKF walk last month that I missed due to work

My cousin Kristy is one of the strongest young women I know. She has been through more surgeries and health complications in the past six years that most will in their life time. She is only 33 and has already survived so much. I am thankful she is so tough, and a fighter.


This is one of those reasons why it's so important to greet each person you encounter (strangers or not) with a smile. You never know their story. Just because they are walking around with a smile on their face doesn't mean that on the inside they aren't healing from some event in their own life (and most likely they are). Maybe today marks the anniversary of a sad time in their life, you just don't know. BUT, what I do know is that an act as simple as a  smile can brighten someones day. Remember this as you go on with your day to day plans. 

Thank the Lord for what you HAVE. Trust the Lord for what you NEED.

just one of Kristy's many scars or battle wounds as she calls them

I hope you will follow us on this journey, and possibly spread the word via social networking. You never know how we might find the donor that can save her life.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thankful Thursday V2

Woooo! What a week. I have had quite a few setbacks this week, my dishwasher went out, then my washer, and now my car (transmission control modulator, which might I add is NOT cheap) BUT, despite it all, I choose to be joyful.

Psalm 28:7 - The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all of my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of Thanksgiving.

James 1:2-4 Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

This week I am thankful for:

* Chevron print and bright pants

 * Weird photo's with my furbaby!

* Great food ideas from Steff over at Iffy Inklings. I love avocado so this intrigued me

* My hair getting past the 'awkward' stage. Longest it's been since I was a child

* I am thankful for the fact that even though my car decided to go out on me this week that Ol' Blue at least waited until Em & I were home safe from our weekend trip to Port Saint Lucie. Being broke down almost 3 hours from home would have sucked. I am so thankful that I had no issues until I was in my own driveway.

* A possible chance at scoring a (free) dishwasher from a friend of mine. Free is for me!

* Good friends and coworkers that have ensured I've made it to and from work on a daily basis this week. I hate depending on others, but, it's nice to know I can.

* A good dentist appointment. Dentist told me to 'keep doing whatever I am doing'
* Quality time with my boyfriend, even if just by phone. I can't wait til I get to Michigan!

* The song 'Oh Lord I want you to help me' by Cheryl Pepsii Riley. It has been on repeat this week.

I linked up with Katie ElizabethMake Me Up MiaCarly Blogs HereThe Strong Family

Monday, June 2, 2014

Road trip - Port Saint Lucie, West Palm & Jupiter

This past weekend me and one of my best friends ventured down to Port Saint Lucie, Florida to visit a good friend of ours. Usually when we go down there, we go to the beach and relax for a few hours, but, this time, our friend decided to be our personal tour guide and take us down to West Palm Beach and Jupiter.

E & I headed out on Friday afternoon, after a quick stop at WaWa - because it's still new to us, and, I may or may not have a slight addiction to their fresh baked chocolate chip cookies, that, might I add, THEY WERE SOLD OUT OF! That's okay, I didn't need it anyways!

We arrived Friday night and just hung out. Watched a little TV, played around with Candy Crush and pinterest, and had a midnight snack of fruit and banana bread, yum! E & I got a little adventurous in the middle of the night. We were hot and realized the AC vent was facing away from us, so, we busted out some moves, and turned the vent towards us. To do this, E had to get down on all 4's and brace herself for me to climb on her back. But hey, it worked!

We were all up bright and early (like 5:30 in the morning for me, and I am NOT a morning person) and headed out around 9:30am. Our 1st stop was the Riviera Beach Marina. We had a great view of Peanut Island from the pier. While the view was gorgeous, I was personally more amazed by the friggin' huge lizards in the area. They were not iguanas. Apparently they are called curly tail lizards, and they can get to be massive. Not your typical backyard lizard, that's for sure

^^ the view from the pier

From the marina, as we were about to go over that beautiful bridge in the above picture, we had to take a total detour because we passed a Publix that had a parking garage on top, and the store on the bottom, meaning if you bought groceries, you had to put your cart on an escalator to get it to the top where you were parked at. We don't see that every day in the more rural areas of Central Florida. We ran in for a quick restroom break and then left without buying anything but we did send an empty cart up the escalator for the full effect. Shh - don't judge.

We eventually made it to Bubba Gump's Shrimp Company for lunch and it was a perfect choice as we got to see a manatee swim by as we enjoyed the beautiful day on the patio. We also had a nice view of the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse. We ended up ordering fried shrimp, jambalaya and a fried mahi sandwich, all of which were delicious. 

We headed to the Blowing Rocks Preserve after lunch, and I think this was my favorite place of the day. It was breath-taking. And the weather was perfect. If I had a good book and a chair, I could have stayed out there for hours just listening to the waves and relaxing.

 ^^ truly breath-taking. 

 ^^ my pocket is bulging because I found a ton of great shells for my step babies! <3

We ended our day by driving by and admiring stars houses on Beach Road, as well as going under some beautiful trees that led us to Bridge road.

I had to head back into work on Sunday, but I had a great weekend with great friends and I feel so blessed for any time I do get to hang out with them!