Sunday, June 8, 2014

Kidney for Kristy

Today I wanted to share with you all a bit about my cousin, Kristy, who is in end stages of renal failure and desperately needs a new kidney. I have created a campaign, Kidney 4 Kristy, that I spearhead. It's to help get awareness out about her need for an O+ donor as well as a way to use social media when we are fundraising for her many medical costs.

^^ my cousin and I at the NKF walk April 2013

Kristy was diagnosed with FSGS - Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis as a child and had her first biopsy at age 6. FSGS is a nephrotic syndrome in children and adolescents, as well as an important cause of kidney failure in adults.

Kristy is now an adult, and in end stage renal failure. She was placed on dialysis in October 2008. She needs a kidney from someone with blood type O+. Of course, there is much more to it, but being O+ plus willing to donate is a start.

Kristy has a lot to live for. She has a wonderful husband who has been there every step of the way as well as amazing family and friends. Life on dialysis was very hard at the beginning and it is becoming difficult again. She recently had a surgery to install a new access point for her and the doctor told her this was their last option, that if this one fails again, there is nothing else they can do for her. They have sent letters to the hospitals she is registered with to see if they can bump her up on the waiting list for a transplant.

If you would like to see if you are a match for Kristy, please call Shands Transplant Center and ask for Jill or Vicki @ 352-265-0254. Just tell them you want to see if you are a match for Kristy Martz Hood or if you live in Central Fl area you can call Christina Fuentes 407-303-3626 at Florida Hospital. 

^^ a few pics from the NKF walk last month that I missed due to work

My cousin Kristy is one of the strongest young women I know. She has been through more surgeries and health complications in the past six years that most will in their life time. She is only 33 and has already survived so much. I am thankful she is so tough, and a fighter.


This is one of those reasons why it's so important to greet each person you encounter (strangers or not) with a smile. You never know their story. Just because they are walking around with a smile on their face doesn't mean that on the inside they aren't healing from some event in their own life (and most likely they are). Maybe today marks the anniversary of a sad time in their life, you just don't know. BUT, what I do know is that an act as simple as a  smile can brighten someones day. Remember this as you go on with your day to day plans. 

Thank the Lord for what you HAVE. Trust the Lord for what you NEED.

just one of Kristy's many scars or battle wounds as she calls them

I hope you will follow us on this journey, and possibly spread the word via social networking. You never know how we might find the donor that can save her life.

1 comment:

  1. My cousin was able to receive a kidney from one of my uncles, and I can't imagine how things would have been if it weren't so 'easy'. I'm sending out positive vibes that she is able to find a donor soon! <3
