Thursday, July 3, 2014

Thankful Thursday V4

Happy Thursday friends.

I hope you have plenty of stuff to be thankful for this week :)

This week I am thankful for the following:

* A trip to Michigan! And that I got to see fireflies. Fireflies have always been magical to me ever since I 1st saw them as a child so long ago in Ohio. It totally made my night to be out on a late evening stroll and see these beautiful insects lighting up the night.

* These two little munchkins <3 They hold not just a piece, but a chunk of my heart.

* new shoes and a shirt that M bought me! Not to be worn together, obviously.

* An impromptu beach stroll on a cloudy overcast day in Michigan. The moth/butterfly that had some how ventured out that far on the pier made me smile as it reminded me that beauty IS everywhere. Even in the darkness of a moth on a gloomy day at the beach. And those zebras?! I couldn't NOT snap a quick picture of them. I LOVE Zebra's. And found it hilarious that these were just chilling at the beach. I was so going to swoop them up for the boys IF they were still in the same spot when I came back, but, their owner (I hope) had rightfully picked them up!

  * Eating cleaner. While I haven't done crossfit yet, I have been following the Zone/Block diet that many crossfitters follow, and I feel AMAZING. What a difference it makes when we just fuel our bodies with the right amount of protein, good carbs and good fats. Obviously I don't stick to it 100%, BUT, during the last month or so that I've been watching what I eat, I have lost 8-10lbs.

* a great yard with plenty of room to do various circuits from home. Today was lunges down the driveway. My neighbors may look at me like *I* am crazy, BUT, I feel great!

* An oh-so-true fortune from the Chinese buffet while in Michigan

* The part for my car worked!!! Ol' Blue is back at it! I am so thankful to my friend B who was able to save me about $700 by buying the part from a wrecked car, and him doing the labor. I am also very thankful to his girlfriend who sacrificed him a few nights so he could work on my car.

* My best friends. I know everyone says they have the best, and I am not any different. In my eyes, they are the creme de la creme. Best of the best. I am forever grateful for them.

* MY SISTER IS HAVING A GIRL! We found out this week. I am over the moon. I can not wait to love on this sweet baby girl. Hopefully I will get to meet her around Christmas. <3

Those are a few of the things I am thankful for this week.

What about YOU?

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